First Look: School leaders’ perspectives on Career Education activities in the Kansas City Area 

In November and December of 2022, following the ratification of the RWL 2.0 Strategic Plan, the Real World Learning team took the first step towards delivering one of the outlined collaborative goals – to build a “scope and sequence” of career education in the Kansas City area. This first step involved surveying school districts and LEA-based real-world learning representatives about their respective approaches toward career education. 

The survey yielded responses from 29 of the 31 districts and LEAs in the Real World Learning network. While not an exhaustive inventory of all the existing options in our footprint, their insight served as the initial building blocks of a regional landscape. The following is an analysis of their responses that aims to outline regional trends, successes and obstacles that schools face, and commentary about implementing career education. 

Education tools our RWL districts use

Career Interests: When and How they are captured

Career Readiness Skills: How they are defined, when and how they are developed

Review Complete Survey Results