Kansas City students report gains in all 10 Real World Learning outgrowths after completing a client-connected project

student working with an adult on a client-connected project

Client-Connected Project (CCP) Apprenticeship 2023-2024 Pilot Study shows teachers report confidence in implementing and continuing CCPs, as well as the belief that all students can learn from a quality CCP.

A key component in how Real World Learning (RWL) helps students succeed beyond the classroom is client-connected projects (CCPs). The implementation of effective, high-quality CCPs is encouraged by the CCP Teacher Apprenticeship Program, a year-long peer mentoring program that supports teachers to develop and carry out CCPs in their classrooms.

The CCP Apprenticeship 2023-2024 Pilot Study conducted two surveys. One survey included 81 educators, representing 41 schools, who participated in CCP training. The other survey included 819 students, representing 49 schools, who completed a CCP.

Funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and produced in collaboration with Urban Education Research Center (UERC), the study examined the impact of CCP implementation in classrooms across the Kansas City metropolitan area. The welcome result was that Real World Learning CCPs have positive, significant impact on students and teachers. 

As a result of facilitating CCPs, teachers reported gains in: 

  • Confidence to implement CCPs in the classroom 
  • Willingness to adopt new practices 
  • Interest in continued implementation of CCPs 
  • The belief that all students can learn from a quality CCP 

After participating in a CCP, students reported increased self-efficacy and a deeper understanding of how CCPs are useful for their future careers. Students also reported being stronger in all 10 Real World Learning Outgrowths – key skill attainments from completion of a CCP. 

Students reported the highest gains in: 

  • Comfort in different contexts 
  • Ability to plan and manage projects 
  • Conducting research and refining plans 
  • Proactivity 
  • Clear communication 

The majority of teachers surveyed participated in the CCP Apprenticeship Program (91%), while others participated in CCP training with History Co:Lab KC (9%). Co:Lab KC received a grant from the Kauffman Foundation to collaborate with RWL to develop and execute CCP training for teachers in the Kansas City region. 

Explore the survey findings of the Real World Learning Client-Connected Project Apprenticeship 2023-2024 Pilot Study.

Client-Connected Projects

Client-Connected Projects (CCPs) are authentic problems that students solve in collaboration with professionals from industry, not-for-profit, and community-based organizations. CCPs allow students to engage directly with employers, address real-world problems, and develop essential skills.

Examples include: 

  • Developing a voting guide for first-time voters in Missouri
  • Designing an annual report for a local non-profit organization
  • Analyzing energy consumption to develop energy-saving plans for local businesses 

Learn more about client-connected projects 

Learn more about the CCP Teacher Apprenticeship Program 

A primary goal of the CCP Teacher Apprenticeship Program is to provide teachers with the knowledge, tools, connections, and confidence to develop and implement client-connected projects (CCP)s.

The year-long peer mentoring program aims to enhance real-world learning in classrooms across the region by providing teachers with the tools and support necessary to engage students in authentic learning experiences that bridge the gap between classroom instruction and real-world application. Program participants learn to effectively implement CCPs in core and elective classrooms. Participants receive a $1,000 stipend for their time dedicated to the program as well as opportunities to engage with employers, collaborate with other educators, and implement a CCP with students. 

Key highlights of the program include:

  • A comprehensive three-day workshop providing educators with foundational knowledge and strategies for implementing CCPs. 
  • Ongoing coaching and support throughout the 2023-2024 school year, including access to resources and one-on-one guidance. 
  • Strategies for effectively engaging with employers to enhance student learning experiences. 
  • Building a comprehensive student journey toward real-world learning success. 
  • Implementing project prompts and utilizing design thinking methodologies within CCPs. 
  • Developing confidence in designing and executing successful CCPs, including project planning and execution. 
  • Networking opportunities with fellow educators, both in-person and online, to share best practices and insights. 

Client-Connected Project Apprenticeship 2023-2024 Pilot Study

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